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Agreement No. SAŽP SE/2024/89 on the provision of services To the Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) BRS-SSFA-2310 to the project “Testing of inventory guidance of plastic waste and testing of technical guidelines on the ESM of plastic wastes”
Identifikácia zmluvy
Č. zmluvy:SAŽP SE/2024/89
Rezort:Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR
Objednávateľ:Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia Tajovského 28, 975 90 Banská Bystrica
Dodávateľ:“ENOVA” d.o.o. Sarajevo Podgaj 14/I, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Názov zmluvy:Agreement No. SAŽP SE/2024/89 on the provision of services To the Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) BRS-SSFA-2310 to the project “Testing of inventory guidance of plastic waste and testing of technical guidelines on the ESM of plastic wastes”